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Credit Approvals

course length 00:48:13

  • This program has been approved for 0.75 general CLE credits by the Alaska Bar Association. (approved Feb 2023)

  • The AKOTA recognizes this course for 0.75 credit hours. (approved Feb 2023)

Course Objectives

recording date 2019

  • Reading problems after TBI

  • How is balance associated with vision


Jeffrey Keene, OD

Owner, Alaska Vision Therapy Center

Dr. Keene is a Member of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and a Member of the Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association. Dr. Keene has been working with brain injured individuals since 2000. In 1999, he opened the Vision Therapy Center. In addition to working with adults, he works with children that lack important vision skills and have poor attention in school.